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Star Wars materials

Star Wars non canon has some of very ambitious claims... neutronium hulls... transparasteel... durasteel... etc., in order to justify inflated firepower figures shown in ICS. While "transparasteel" and "durasteel" made their way into lower canon, only to find itself in contradiction with higher canon, neutronium is completely non-canon.


glass window

Nuff said. Ever saw steel crack like that? I know staff is electricized, but still... no, it is definetly not metal. Which means that novelization is contradicted by higher canon, and transparasteel is not canon. Or maybe transparasteel is just another word for "bulletproof glass".


Durasteel is shown in canon novelization to melt in lava. Normal lava temperatures range from 700 to 1300 ° C. Melting point of "normal" steel is 1130 to 1370 ° C, with 1425 to 1540 ° C for carbon steel. Which actually means that durasteel is just that - ordinary steel.


For neutronium, see here, since it only appeared in non-canon.

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