
- Federation penalty for murder, as of 23rd century, is death (TOS "The Ultimate Computer")

- While many assume that Death Star II construction started only after Death Star I was destroyed, given construction rate of DSI, it is actually possible that it lasted far longer

- "Objection" section on every page is not in regards to actual objections to that page, but rather overwiev of expected objections Warsie side might bring up. I don't want to re-upload this site too soon after first upload (never would be ideal, but most probably impossible)

- Star Trek vs Star Wars is large topic, covering Empire, Republic, CIS, Federation, Borg, etc., but due to Federation and Republic/Empire being most prominent in their respective universes, I will focus on them.

- While "AT-ST" designation for Imperial walker seen at Endor is not canon, I will use it for ease of writing.

- In Voyager episode "Year of Hell" we see that Voyager, despite having light and relatively weak hull, can take impressive damage

- In "Year of Hell" and several other Star Trek episodes we are informed that Chief Medical Officer can relieve Captain from command

- On this site, I use metric units, unless specified otherwise. Which means that, when you see "ton", it is actually metric ton (tonne) or 1000 kg.

- Apparently, Star Wars uses seismic charges. These wouldn't even work in space.

- The Force Unleahsed isn't canon either

- In RotS novelization we have several times stated that Republic is thousand years old. Thousand, not "Thousands", or "tens of thousands"


"Digging through the thick, red - tinted soil, Imperial scientists stumble across several rich veins of neutronium, lommite and zersium. These minerals are the primary components in the alloy known as durasteel, the most common warship - grade armour used in Imperial ship construction."

Nuff said.

- I frequently used screencaps from other sites (like to save time and avoid difficulty of making screencaps of my own. No copyright infringement intended. This site is not affiliated with any organization (Lucasfilm, Paramount, etc) or institution, and is to be used for educational and discussion purposes only.


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